More Clever Ways Lyrics

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More Clever Ways

Verse 1

Time, Time, one thing is surely true

about Time: it will always morph

into something quite different,

to a giant star or a dwarf.


Verse 2

Time, Time, one thing about your heart,

it retains a special enzyme

to learn to love what Time gave you

as a gift so oddly sublime.



Time, Time,

you think you can change it,

or maybe rearrange it,

but just when you’ve exchanged it,

for what you want or said,

you see it rearranged

you instead.

you see it rearranged

you instead.



The eons of humans

on our little planet,

all seem to have proven

our usual gambit:

we’re still only hunting,

we’re still just gathering

through all our modern days . . .

just in more clever ways.

just in more clever ways.





Time, Time,

you think you can change it,

or maybe rearrange it,

but just when you’ve exchanged it,

for what you want or said,

you see it rearranged

you instead.

you see it rearranged

you instead.



The eons of humans

on our little planet,

all seem to have proven

our usual gambit:

we’re still only hunting,

we’re still just gathering

through all our modern days . . .

just in more clever ways.

just in more clever ways.




Lyrics by Author Ward Kelley

Kelley holds a Masters of Creative Writing.

He published two novels “Divine Murder” and “Keenly Alive, Tony.”